Wednesday, June 12, 2013

The Latest

It has been quite some time since I posted an update on what is going on with my desire to go to Uganda. That is because, until recently, there wasn't much to post. I had just been working and saving to get those beloved student loans paid off. Also, I hadn't been presented with a trip opportunity that I felt confident about. Both of these problems have been solved.

It looks like I'll be heading to Uganda on what is scheduled to be a four week trip in December of this year. I am pumped. "How pumped?", you may ask. I'm Brandi Chastain pumped. I'm Mike Iaconelli pumped. Heck, I'm double rainbow pumped. I often find myself Tebowing like Jaden Smith in After Earth just to regain my composure.

I'm going with a team of about six people. Our team leader lived and worked in Uganda for a year at an orphanage through YWAM. We're not necessarily a YWAM team but we will be hosted and assisted by the organization. Did I mention I'm pumped?

As for the student loans "obstacle", it has been cleared. I had about $15,000 left on my bill when God decided it was time to show off his skills. It's funny how the things that we view as insurmountable or overwhelming God can overcome at the snap of a finger. God will use His people to accomplish His plans. It never fails. I am beyond blessed.

Needless to say, the last month or so has been pretty awesome. I haven't really done much but I've been able to watch God do the work and make big things happen.

I'm anticipating to see how God uses this trip. I'm sure I'll be able to help while I'm there, and that is the goal, but I also know I'm going to get schooled. I honestly don't know how much of my life I'm going to spend in Uganda. I have a desire to see what it looks like to really follow Jesus. I want to be in a place where he has to show up or it all falls apart. I want to see Him build His church, not consumerism. So yeah, I'm going to get schooled.

I have a desire to pastor in the States someday. I think its something that is in the cards for me, but I just don't know when. It feels like I know less and less as time passes and, honestly, that's okay. I know the next step and that's all I need right now. Don't get me wrong. I still try to figure it all out daily to no avail and only added frustration. I didn't go to Xavier's school for spiritually gifted children and graduate with a masters degree in Blind Trust. I do know, however, that He has a plan and that it's better than mine.

Saturday, February 16, 2013

Don't Lose the Wonder

I remember living in Narnia for three days as a teenager. C.S. Lewis had created a world that completely drew me in and allowed my imagination to run wild. It was a world filled with wonder that felt more real than the pages between my fingers.

Not much has changed. You'll often catch me in a trance; daydreaming and looking quite similar to my third grade self. I don’t check the back of old wardrobes anymore although I do still try to shoot web from wrists when no one is looking.

I was always scared to grow up. I was afraid that I would lose the sense of wonder I had as a kid. Sometimes, I still am.

It’s so easy to lose. We have responsibility, jobs, and bills. Many of you have kids and families who depend on you. This raises the bar of responsibility even higher and requires more of you than I have yet to experience. Is there even time to be amazed? How can we resurrect that sense of wonder that was once so alive?

Think of the things that inspired wonder in you as a child. Try to recall the themes of the stories that filled your deepest longings and desires. Every single one of them is found and outdone in the story of Christ.
He is a hero that far outdoes Spidey in every way. He left his “normal” and entered the darkness to save you. He wants you to join him in His mission of reconciling the world by being a light in the very darkness you were saved from. You are His ambassador. He is your friend.

There are battles to fight, enemies to engage, and obstacles to overcome. There are hungry children who need to be fed and innocent people who need protecting. Who will do it if not you?

Rejection is expected. The darkness does not often welcome the light.

When all is said and done you will leave this broken world and go to a place far better than this one. There will be no more war, no more sadness, and no more death. Everything that is broken, He will fix. You will live in a place more beautiful and walk with one too glorious for the boundaries of your imagination. You will be home.

The life you live was not meant to play second fiddle to fairy tales or fiction. The King you serve is real. His kingdom is imminent. You were created to be a part of it and to help build it.

It’s time to fill in the lines of the black and white version of Jesus you have in your adult-sized brain. Get out your crayons and rediscover the beautiful, colorful version of Jesus and his story. 

Don’t lose the wonder.

Thursday, January 10, 2013

The Bride

As I evaluate American Christianity it's really easy to become angry and embittered towards the church. We claim to have the love of Christ dwelling inside of us and talk about being led by the Holy Spirit. At the same time, there is widespread slavery and hunger all over our broken world. Yet there is a huge divide between the wealthy Christianity of America and these broken people all over the world and I'm not talking about bodies of water.

It is easy to come to the conclusion that the church isn't addressing these problems so even though Jesus may be the answer, the church certainly isn't. Many come to this conclusion and walk away from church altogether, overwhelmed by the stench of hypocrisy.

I get it.

Quitting on the bride of Christ, however, is not the answer. Jesus died for it so I'm certainly not going to quit on it.

In fact, Jesus had some pretty strong things to say about the church that makes me think it is the only hope for the problems our world is facing today.

In 2 Corinthians 5, Paul talks about how Christ reconciled the world to himself through his death on the cross and when he left he left gave us the ministry of reconciliation. That's pretty scary for me. Remember the scene in The Fellowship of the Ring when Frodo tries to give the ring to Gandalf but he refuses? Gandalf knew he couldn't handle it. He wasn't good enough.

That's how I feel about the ministry of reconciliation Christ has given us. I know me all too well. Failure is inevitable. The way I see it, we are one ugly bride that seems incapable of accomplishing the task we have been given. Thankfully, Christ saw us differently.

He said the gates of hell wouldn't prevail against the church. We are his chosen method of changing the world and taking the good news to every tribe and tongue on the face of the earth. There is no 'Plan B'.

He loves the church so much that he died for it and gave us his Spirit. You should love it too. It's the Spirit who makes this possible. A good starting point for being "led by the Spirit" is doing what he already commanded in the Bible. Feed the poor and hungry. Protect the fatherless and the widows. (See Isaiah 58, James 1:27, Luke 3:11, and a million others)

It's not going to get any better until we realize that "stench of hypocrisy" is coming from our own selves. You are probably a part of the problem. So am I. So don't make suggestions to your pastor. Don't just express your ideas. Start being Jesus to "least of these" in your city and watch the rest of the bride jump on board. Become an agent of change.

Love the church. Be the church.

Friday, January 4, 2013

I'm not a Missionary

I am not a missionary. At least, that's not how I see myself.

I'm simply a disciple of Jesus Christ who can no longer claim to follow him and ignore the fatherless and widows at the same time. These two lifestyles are in direct opposition to each other.

As I read the Bible, I can't avoid this truth. There are not occasional references in Scripture to "feeding the hungry" and "freeing the oppressed" as I once thought. The entire book is filled with them! Isaiah 58 blows my mind. I feel as though it was specifically intended for the American church. Please stop reading this post for a moment and give it a read.

We gather on weekends to worship our Savior through the preaching of Christ and uplifted voices in song. All the while, we spend money on marketing campaigns, the newest worship tools, and anything else that will increase the comfort and attractiveness of our services.

Simultaneously, people are starving all over the world. Girls are imprisoned in the sex trade in Manila, Phillipines. Children in the Congo are being forced to kill their own parents and join the LRA. 2.9 billion people are members of unreached people groups who have never even heard the gospel. Hmm...

The early church was defined by their dedication to the poor and needy. Even amidst persecution, they fed thousands of Jews and Romans daily. They didn't do it out of guilt or obligation or because of a special "calling". It was their natural response to the gospel and a requirement of following Jesus.

The modern church is defined by consumerism. We have become just another product on the shelf. We have become more of a self-indulgent institution than a self-sacrificing movement.

So I'm not going to show up at your church in a suit and tie and present a slideshow with a Ugandan choir singing in the background. I'm not going to have five children whose names all begin with the letter "J". I don't have any refrigerator magnets with my name or face on them so you can remember to pray for me.

I'm just a regular guy who loves college football, peanut butter smoothies, and spending time with family and friends. But I love Jesus more.

In choosing to move to Uganda I'm not answering a "calling" I received in a dream. No angel has appeared to me with a message from God. I didn't receive a result of "missionary" from a website with an online career quiz.

Hudson Taylor put it this way: "It will not do to say that you have no special call to go to China. With these facts before you and with the command of the Lord Jesus to go and preach the gospel to every creature, you need rather to ascertain whether you have a special call to stay at home."

I just want to be a faithful follower of Christ. For me, that means moving to Uganda. The gospel compels everything within me to go.

Following Jesus for you may mean selling your house and moving to Thailand. It may mean becoming more vocal about Christ at work and giving up your Saturdays to serve the homeless downtown. I have no idea. I do know that for each of us it means to be willing to do anything for Jesus. It means sacrifice and caring for the poor and needy.

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

The Low Down

So here is the situation (in a south Jersey accent). I'm planning on going to Uganda as most of you know but God has to make some things happen before I can go. It is all completely in His hands. That is part of the reason I decided to put it all down in a blog. I already know that it is going to be an incredible ride and I want as many people as possible to see God do the work and give Him the glory.

I would love to go over in 6 to 9 months. That is what I'm praying for. The problem is I have college debt. Many of you reading this can empathize with me here. It would take a miracle for me to pay it off in 6 months. On top of that, I would need money to fly over and support myself.

In your mind this may be wishful thinking. For me, it is a prayer of faith.

I'm currently working a couple part time jobs early in the day alongside working as a youth pastor. Both of these jobs are incredible blessings. One even provides me with a company car that I get to drive around. Still, these don't provide enough cash flow to pay off my debt even within a year. So, I'm looking to pick up another job in the evenings.

So my time frame for getting on the ground depends largely on my finances and, ultimately, on God's timing.

Also, I still haven't decided what organization or missionary I'm going to go over with. I'm waiting until the right opportunity presents itself.  There are a lot of options but I want to wait for a group with the right balance. So many people are either just about preaching or just about giving out food. If I truly want to love people like Jesus did how could I deny them either?

After I pay off my debt and serve with an established group for a period of time I want to start "my own thing." I want go where there is a greater need and spread the influence of Christ farther and deeper into the darkness. I have no idea what that will even look like but I can't wait to see God do what He does best. There are so many people in Uganda and surrounding countries who are starving every day and dying of curable diseases. How could I ignore this?

They don't suffer because of a lack of resources. God has placed all the resources right in our laps. The problem is that you and I and the "American church" have confused these resources that were intended to assist in carrying out the Great Commission and feeding the hungry for blessings meant to indulge ourselves. Food for thought.

I am simply asking you to pray for me.

If it takes a year to eighteen months or even longer, I will be okay. I love where I am right now. I love the people whom I have the privilege to grow and serve with here in Boise. God is good. His timing is best and His plan is perfect. Knowing this, I am content.

Saturday, December 29, 2012


Let me introduce myself. My name is Andrew Green. I was raised a church kid and trusted Christ early in life. I'm thankful beyond words for my Christian upbringing and early conversion. Because I was pretty good at morality and attended church faithfully, I went through high school and much of my college years thinking I had hit a triple for Jesus. In my mind, I was quite the contributor for Team Jesus.

In reality, all the things that I thought were a credit to Andrew were gifts from a merciful God.

Today, the Holy Spirit is loving, teaching, and directing me. I am hungry for Jesus. Big change. This transition took place in my later college years when God gave me a light bulb moment and for the first time in my life I saw the beauty of the gospel in all of its life and color. It was very unlike the black and white version I had created in my head. The best way I can describe is that it is "conversion-like."

Since then, I have had a desire for more of Jesus. I have been far from perfect and occasionally distracted but the overall direction of my life has been completely different. I can't even begin to describe all of the changes that have gone on in my heart and mind. As I look back over the last couple of years, I can truly say that He is transforming my heart.

I may never hit a triple for Jesus. And that's okay. I want to live a life that is marked by consistent singles and doing whatever is best for the team. It's not about me anymore. It's about the King and building His kingdom.

Today, I'm a 25 year old youth pastor in Boise, Idaho who teaches junior high health and attempts to sell water softeners. I love being a youth pastor and interacting with the students I teach both in the church and at school.

I have tasted and seen that the Lord is good. Once you've tasted the grace and mercy of Christ nothing else can even come close to satisfying. It is this Holy Spirit driven hunger for more of Jesus that is about to launch me into an adventure than I could have ever dreamed for myself: taking the gospel in all of its beauty and color to the people of Uganda.

This blog is about the journey.